Ave Maria F. C. Convent, Mtito Andei

Place : Mtito Andei
Established Year: 2007
Address: Mtito Andei, P.O. Box 65 Mombassa Lane, Kenya, Africa
Phone: 00254-737462016
Email[email protected]

Vision: Educate the poor children of the location and instill Christian and moral values in them from childhood onwards and prepare them for sacraments.

   Assist in the Pastoral work and strengthen their faith in one true God and promote sacramental marriage life.  

Mission: Provides spiritual and academic education through Boarding Primary School.

            Assist in all pastoral work.

            Organize retreats, seminars for youth and families.

            Teach Catechism and prepare for Sacraments.   

Apostolate: Primary School, Pastoral work, Conduct service or Sundays for faithful in institutions, teaching Catechism and family visits.

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