Laverna F. C. Convent, Donyo Sabuk

Place : Donyo Sabuk
Established Year: 2004
Address: Donyo Sabuk, P. O. Box 116 Thika Machakos, Kenya, Africa
Phone: 00254-734169762
Email[email protected]

Vision: Serve the poor, unwanted and orphan children of the society, educate them and strengthen them with Christian values and transform them as the useful and efficient members of the society. Care the old, sick and destitute Grammies of the society.

               Uplift the poor families spiritually and economically.

Mission: Children's Home and Primary School accommodate and educate the orphan children.

           Care the old, unwanted and sick women in the aged home.

  Organize workshops, training classes for different income earning projects and equip the poor families to earn their livelihood.

Apostolate: School and Home for Orphan Children, Aged Home, Training Centre for small scale projects, Assists in the pastoral work, Home visits.


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